Saturday, June 15, 2013

Topcase mounting kit

Finally my topcase is on its place! I wanted to fix it to the motorbike in some simple way to be able to remove it without usage of any tools within just few seconds. After few days thinking about it I made a final design. I made some drawings, paper models to check if it fits there and then I was ready to make it of stainless steel.
I sent my drawings to local steel workshop if they could do the laser cutting for me with accordance to my drawings. I originally wanted 8mm thick stainless steel plate, but it was pretty expensive and also unnecessary. So its made of 6 mm thick stainless steel "only". I ordered more of the parts than I needed (just in case that something goes wrong or I would loose some of them) so in average I have about 50% parts more. The price of the whole stuff was about 40 Euros (50 USD) including the material, cutting, programming of the machine etc. 

My drawing of all necessary parts - and already laser-cut stainless steel parts
So after four days I was able to take my laser-cut parts from the steel work shop and finish all the other works that had to be performed. First of all drilling of all the required openings - I used M6 bolts so the openings had to be 5mm in diameter to be able to cut a thread.
Cutting of the thread
This was pretty much time consuming - it took me almost whole afternoon to do that. But when it was done it looked pretty good:

My mounting kit already done - with all the threads and bolts in their place
And now just to put it on its place on the motorcycle:

Bottom view - notice the middle part embedded in "U" shape rack
Bottom view - now you can notice the front part
that is prestressed with two bolts
Inside view - to the bottom of the topcase
Bottom of the topcase covered with soft foam - with openings
Everything hidden under the heavy duty carpet
There is my rain suite just to show the depth of the topcase

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The king is dead, long live the king!

I had my Garmin Zumo 660 for one and a half year. It worked pretty good but I was not satisfied with its navigation logic. It just made strange routes, illogical "shortcuts", mp3 were not played fluently sometimes. So I decided to sell my Garmin Zumo 660 and buy the brand new TomTom Rider 2013 instead.
I bought it at local Touratech dealer together with locable holder. Great stuff when you need to leave a bike few minutes alone (gas station, coffee etc...), it should also decrease vibrations coming to GPS from handlebars. So here it is:

Everything necessary - TomTom GPS, Screen protector, RAM Mount,
Touratech locable holder for TomTom Rider, cables and other stuff from GPS package
Problem number one - the RAM mount that was included within the TomTom had different (or at least it seems like that) bolt spacing. I took a driller and tried to modify it - just forced the driller to cut the material on desired side. Problem solved:
Adjusted RAM Mount - enlarged holes with modified eccentricity 
Problem number two - Touratech holder is in three pieces that you have to put together, there would be nothing so difficult about it if... there were all the bolts accessible. Minimally two or more likely three of four bolts are hidden behind something (TomTom holder or lock of the Touratech holder). I had to take one L-shape Allen key and cut it to be able to get between the TomTom holder and wanted bolts. It took me some time but it works!
Backview of the holder already installed
Locable Touratech holder from back view
When this was finished, I found the best position of the GPS on my handlebars to be able to see all warning lights, gear indicator etc. When I found it I was ready to make the cable work. I conected the cable to navigation and followed the bundle of cables comming from handlebar switches. Then I continued under the gas tank and finished at the battery. Just for sure I also placed there a fuse on the cable - just in case that something goes wrong and it was done.

TomTom Rider 2013 ready to navigate