It was more then 400km yesterday and there is about 500km in front of us tomorrow, so today's ride was just about 80-100km around Berchtesgaden and mainly visit of Hitler's "teahouse" called Eagles Nest.
It's on the top of 1834m high mountain. It was a gift to his 50th birthday. It took only one year to build several kilometers of alpine road, long tunnel in the rock that leads to 124 m high elevator shaft also in the rock, and mainly big unique house on the top of the mountain. Unbelievable structure... For more info check the wikipedia ( And now my pictures:
Entrance to the tunnel with elevator inside and the Eagle's Nest on the top |
Eagle's Nest itself |
Hitler's octagonal livingroom with huge fireplace serves today as restaurant |
Huge fireplace in livingroom made of marble was Mussolini's gift to Hitler |
Eva Braun's room |
Magnificent view from the Eagle's Nest |